Reflux and Digestion Quick Start Guide
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Reflux & Digestion Quick Start Guide

Learn how to optimize your digestion to start healing from GERD, Silent Reflux, and
Heartburn today.

Simple Actions Steps

Download Guide to reveal how reflux is related to each area of digestion and simple action steps to find relief

  • Brain
  • Mouth & Esophagus
  • Stomach
  • Intestines
  • Liver, Gallbladder, Pancreas

Empowering You To Find Healing

Hi, I'm Margaret

I'm a Registered Nurse and Nutritional Therapy Practitioner focused on empowering others to find healing through nutrition. I suffered from silent reflux for years without answers. Then, everything changed when I got back to basics and changed my approach to healing. I created this guide and the Reflux Relief Academy so you can experience the same freedom and relief! 

Margaret Luukkonen -
Who has this approach worked for?

T.S. - Reflux Relief Academy Student
"I am now mostly weaned off Pepcid and I am rarely having any reflux symptoms. This is a huge relief." 

H.D. - Reflux Relief Academy Student
“I was dealing with gastritis for over a year, and I can say now in these last 4 weeks, it’s a hundred times better. I haven’t had a Pepcid or antacid in almost 2 weeks now.” 

Learn how to optimize your digestion to start healing from GERD, Silent Reflux, and Heartburn today. | Goodship Ventures LLC